Our life is full of delightful pleasures as well as of numerous inconveniences causing troubles every day. Acne is one of such troubles.
So what is acne? How to treat acne? What are the different acne treatments and how to choose the best method? We will review these and other questions in this article.
Dictionaries regard acne (or acne vulgaris) as a skin disease related to alterations in follicles (holes in the skin containing hairs) and sebaceous glands which are responsible for sebum production. These two elements together are called pilosebaceous units.
Sebum or oil in normal conditions is used for something like skin lubrication.
Source: What is sebum?
But if the conditions are actually not normal, for example, the skin becomes dirty or sweaty for a long time, sebum serves for bad purposes and blocks the follicles. This is also the case when hormones cause your acne – they are the trigger for excess function of sebaceous glands. So, too much oil is not a good thing for your skin.
However, if you think that removing sebum from your skin is your priority task, you mistake. Too little quantity of oil can also lead to acne! This happens in cases when acne is caused by bacteria. Causes and treatment of acne can be different, but this one is induced by a harmful germ dissolving sebum, so the skin becomes undefended.
The last two causes are regarded as internal causes of acne. As far as these causes and treatment of acne are concerned, it is difficult to fight acne because it is hard to fight something taking its origin inside of you. What can you do then?
It is impossible in most cases to treat anything without knowing what it is and from where it comes from. It is impossible to cure all diseases by some panacea, for example, by some mysterious pyramid.
Source: Diseases and treatments
Such kinds of treatment have appeared in the ancient times when people did not know from where the diseases come from and often attributed illnesses to some supernatural creatures and tried to heal them with prayers and immolation. Of course, it did not help, as well as acne treatment may not help if you don’t know its cause.
Let’s see how acne develops. At the age of about ten the adrenal glands start to produce an androgen, dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). Other androgenic hormones – male growth hormone in female’s system – like testosterone and dehydrotestosterone (DHT), take part in the pubertal period. These the body’s hormones make the skin oil glands to produce more sebum (skin’s natural oil).
This is the reason why acne and oily skin are so widespread between young people. This is the first step in acne development. Not surprisingly, given that young boys have more testosterone, teenager acne breakouts happen to be more serious in males.
The management of acne breakouts in youngsters can be difficult, as their systems are constantly undergoing severe hormonal fluctuations.
Source: Management of teen acne
They can at first managed quite well by first-line treatment options, like vitamin A creams and various other inexpensive over-the-counter products, possibly combined with antibiotic. Later acne development continues during maturity period when they can experience intense hormonal fluctuations – and become not responding to employing treatments. Programs of acne breakouts therapy may have to be modified more frequently with young adults to correspond to their hormonal shifts.
A lot of women don’t have teen acne but many of them begin to suffer from this problem at the age of 20 or 30, experiencing persistent onsets the week previous to their period. What happens is during a normal menstrual cycle, the level of estrogen is at its high point at mid-cycle and subsequently declines at the onset of period.
Obviously, this is not true for women on the hormonal birth control pill. The fact that the ovaries produce progesterone means that women sebaceous glands are stimulated after ovulation and the skin becomes oilier, which leads to acne problems.
The body’s hormones are also the cause of acne development in many expectant women also; the essential oil glands start producing excessive amounts of sebum throughout the 3rd trimester, resulting in oily face and regular acne outbreaks.
Although after menopause the level of estrogen declines and testosterone turns out to be the main hormone, women can also experience acne.
Source: Menopausal acne
If you have experienced acne once, you should remember that this problem may stay with you for a long time, even after you get older. The best way to stop acne development is to consult the doctor, who will help you develop the proper acne treatment plan.
Any person who aims to get rid of acne is afraid a bit of the possible aftereffects of wrong acne treatment. At the same time nobody wants to pay extra money.
And it is very difficult to find a real remedy for acne in the acne products market, though we can come across the variety of such acne products.
Source: Comparison of the best acne treatment products
We prepared some pieces of advice for you to follow while choosing the product for your acne. We want it to be helpful in your search of an effective treatment for your skin problem.
You can follow the regulations as you look for herbal products, which are natural and are aimed at acne treatment. In accordance with the new practices of FDA everything possible is done to provide good supplements for customers:
In such a way, you are to choose an acne product following the FDA recommendations.
Acne is the most common skin disorder known today.
In the United States alone, nearly 60 million people are infected with acne, while 85 per cent of teenagers suffers from it. Skin experts and practitioners recommend several natural acne treatment options.
Source: Acne treatment options
Here are some that we have compiled just for you.
Wash your face twice a day (thrice at most) with gentle and un-perfumed cleanser. Avoid using soaps as they contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your skin.
Avoid touching your face. Stop putting your hands by your face! I am often guilty of this resting my hand on the side of my head while reading. Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem when thinking. Avoid rubbing, touching, or scratching your skin with your hands.
Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid since much of the hand to face contact throughout the day we are unconscious of.
Source: How bacteria affects acne
Make it a habit to avoid hand contact and be conscious of it during the day to avoid bacteria. Avoid the temptation to pick, prick and squeeze your acne. This will send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause severe scarring.
For mild to moderate acne, you can use over-the-counter topical ointments, solutions, lotions or gels that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is best at killing acne and may reduce oil production. Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help break down blackheads and whiteheads. Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands.
Topical antibiotic solutions and lotions can also be applied.
These treatments are usually effective for mild to moderate acne problems only. The effectiveness usually takes several weeks or approximately three to six months to be noticed. For more severe and serious acne conditions, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.
If you feel there is a solution to your acne problems, you are right. You can try all-natural acne treatment products. The most effective acne product are those that combine different type of treatments in one anti-acne system. The herbal pills kill bacteria, the deep facial and body washes open up the pores and cleanse, the protection cream acts as a shield for your skin.
You may want to try one of these acne treatment products that are proven to be safe and effective: